Master of Malt ‘The Old Fashioned Cocktail’ 2011 September 20, 2012September 23, 2012Gal Granov 0 Time to take a wee detour from pure whisky and malt and try a pre-mixed cocktail from Master of Malt. Cocktail purists will say this […]
A sunday break :: Farm To Drink- Sweet Concoctions September 18, 2011September 20, 2011Gal Granov 0 Summer is almost over (or rather we wish it were, here in Israel it’s still hot, humid and nights here are warmer than midday in […]
My ‘Carambola Pantheon’ Cocktail –Featured on the Master of Malt blog July 1, 2011July 6, 2011Gal Granov 0 A couple of month ago, I was asked by the chaps at MoM if I was interested in making a cocktail using their Master of […]
Compass Box Cocktails Take 2 : Oak Cross – Glaser’s Gorse Punch September 16, 2010Gal Granov 0 Quite a lot of visitors from all over the world on last week’s Peat Monster Daiquiri. Ready for another? This time a punch! Glaser’s […]
Compass Box Peat Monster Daiquiri September 6, 2010Gal Granov 0 Well, that’s a first on the blog. Cocktails that is. Why? you ask? I usually do not mix my whisky in cocktails. But: First, […]