I am very excited to announce that WhiskyIsrael was chosen by Connosr’s members as one of the leading whisky blogs and sites on the net in its Top Whisky Blog Awards. WhiskyIsrael has been online for just more than half a year now, and we’re excited and will continue to…
Another year goes by, with amazing drams and whisky galore, and Whisky Israel turns 4 years old! As we’re approaching an EPIC 800 posts, we’d like to celebrate with you, loyal blog readers, and new blog readers alike. For that we’ve teamed up with one of our favourite Indie bottler…
This year’s MMA are upon us , like they are every year. I am not a huge fan of awards, but the MMA are conducted blind, and by members of a non profit organization not affiliated with any whisky company, so i tend to appreciate their awards more than others.…
In "Awards"
3 thoughts on “Whisky Israel Awarded Top 40 whisk(e)y blog award”
And richly deserved
Congratulations on winning this award, mazal tov
Thanks mate!