Just got this press release from the guys who have been long at work, planning and getting initial investment to create Israel’s first artisan whisky distillery on a commercial scale, they will go by the name of “The Milk & Honey Distillery”.
here is the PR:
The Milk & Honey Distillery The first artisan whisky distillery in the land of Israel
In the beginning… The seeds of The Milk & Honey Distillery were sown late in 2011. A group of friends were sitting in the Shishko bar in Tel Aviv working their way through some fine whiskies. Conversation moved to how there are now excellent whiskies produced outside of Scotland, Ireland and the USA. Nobody can quite remember who it was that said it first but it was clear to all that the land of Israel needed a quality whisky distillery as well. A pact to make it happen was made and sealed with a last dram.
The pact…
It is widely believed that the Scots learned the art of distilling during the Crusades. Once back in Scotland the technique evolved and led to what we know today as whisky. It is now 1000 years since the Scots took a cutting-edge technology and turned it into a tradition. At The Milk & Honey Distillery we are dedicated to bringing this Scottish innovation back to its source. The time has come to make whisky in the Holy Land.
The quest…
The Milk & Honey Distillery is to be the first artisan whisky distillery in the land of Israel. We will capture the water of life in the land where the angels truly have their share. Using only the finest ingredients and the most traditional craft, we will create a magnificent whisky with a purer spirit.
Currently this is just the first phase and the team are already at work, selecting a place for the distillery, and setting up the business. in the meantime they have declared a competition to select the logo of the whisky. check out their Facebook page for more details, or click her.
these are all the details I can give you right now. more info on their facebook page in due course.
Bravo! My best wishes for this project. Israel’s high heat should help with rapid maturation. I wonder where they will get the barley? Is barley grown in Israel? Someone needs to breed a desert and salt tolerant barley and grow it in the dead sea region. That would be sound interesting malt!
Wheat grows around (Northewestern Negev) just fine, I assume that Barely would too.
Israeli Barley is limited, and doesn’t suit brewing. We concentrate on wheat, mostly.
Good to know. Btw, if you need tasters…
Sagi, wheated whisky can be awesome too
[requires some malt too i know]
I dont know that yet. not sure they do.
when more info is revealed to me i will of course publish it.